About Us
We’re in this together
Our community’s ability to survive and recover from a major disaster is a priority. Being prepared and knowing what to do and where to go will make all the difference when seconds count in an emergency.
We are your ReadyMarin team working to build resilience throughout Marin County and prepare everyone for an emergency.

Meet the team
Elaine Wilkinson
Marin County Emergency Preparedness Coordinator
By working together we can improve all of our outcomes should a disaster strike. We are here to educate and support everyone in Marin County with training, education and community events. We are thankful for your participation in this effort.

Leah Curtis
Southern Marin Neighborhood Response Group Coordinator
In a disaster, some of the first people who can help are your neighbors. Our goal is to do the greatest good for the greatest number of people by creating connections, sharing resources, and providing access to emergency preparedness training.

Rachel Kertz
Central Marin Neighborhood Response Group Coordinator
Since 2007 the Central Marin Neighborhood Response Group program has grown from one neighborhood to now over 40 neighborhoods. Through close collaboration with CERT and the Central Marin Fire Department, we’ve developed a network of support including supplying emergency trailers and developing radio protocols. Our motto is that it “just takes two” to start a Neighborhood Response Group and we welcome all residents.

Sara Zaragoza
San Rafael Emergency Preparedness Coordinator
Our mission is to prepare San Rafael residents for emergencies using educational tools that empower people and neighborhoods to remain safe and act. Together, we can prepare ourselves for any emergency and build resiliency throughout our communities. Preparedness is a state of mind.
With Thanks to Dennis Rodoni
Marin County Supervisor
Marin County residents who take steps now to build resilience to lessen the impact should a disaster strike, enable our first responders to focus more on the emergency at hand when something does happen. If you need help to prepare for an emergency and build resiliency, please reach out to the team. We are here to help!

Special thanks to our emergency management partners who helped contribute to this site. California for All Listos! program allowed us to use some visuals from their programs. The San Francisco Department of Emergency Management (sf72.org) let us to borrow some excellent language and organization ideas. The City of Ontario allowed us to borrow some content as well. We appreciate the collaboration.