Published: Thursday, December 15th, 2022 in Events & News
Cohort from the San Rafael Leadership Institute learn about business preparedness
SRLI cohort learn about disasters and business preparedness.
SRLI cohort learn about disasters and business preparedness.
Fire Safe Marin teamed up with Ross Valley Fire Department to bring a wildfire preparation program called Read, Set, Go! to 5th grade classrooms.
Local volunteers participate in county wide training simulation
Spanish community outreach through local radio programs.
Supporting local organizations with Spanish community preparedness outreach.
Spanish-focused preparedness outreach in the Canal Neighborhood.
Southern Marin has Block Captain orientation on August 31 at 5pm.
Ross Valley Fire partnered with San Domenico School to bring preparedness to the faculty.
The Town of Ross held an evacuation drill for their residents to test the Alert system and practice evacuation.